Why the superior approach to pickup, seduction, attraction, dating and relationships, is to let women come to you at their own pace and do most, if not all, of the calling, texting and pursuing.
In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who is twenty-two, a street musician and lives in his car. He shares a recent success story of how he met a woman while he was playing his guitar on the street that obviously was interested in him. He details how talking with her girlfriend, when they approached him and started taking videos of him, caused her to become more attracted to him and work even harder to get his attention.
She asked for his Facebook name and later contacted him online. He shares his step by step approach to how he set a first date with her and was able to successfully seduce her and lose his virginity during a three hour long lovemaking session in his car on their second date. She even told him how it felt just like something right out of the love scene in the movie "Titanic." It's another example of how you can have a great personal life without a place of your own to call home and very little money. My comments are in (bold parenthesis like this below) in the body of his email.
Hey Corey!
I'm 22, and I've read your book 8 times by now. I'm a street musician, and I live in my car. (Dude, that is fucking cool. It takes a lot of balls to do that.) One night, I was playing with my guitar, and there was one girl who really liked me. She filmed me with her iPhone while I was playing in the street, and a big group of people was singing with me. (You're being a leader.) After I played, we chatted a little bit. She was with her friend, and I talked more with the other girl than with her because that somehow made her envious, and I did it on purpose. (If she's really beautiful, and you're talking to her friend, it's an ego thing. She'll think, "I'm hotter than her." You used that to your advantage.) She was a really beautiful girl, and I knew that if I would have talked only with her, then maybe her beauty would affect me somehow, and she would maybe notice that, but I kept my cool. (It's also important to create rapport with the whole group so you can make everyone your ally. The ones who like you most will try to interject themselves.) Anyway, she asked for my Facebook, and I asked if she could send those videos to me. When I finished my playing and started to walk away, they followed me, and we started to talk again. I suggested we go to eat at a certain place. (Why wait? An instant date, perfect.) We had fun. All the time, I knew that she would associate feeling good with me. The next day, she reached out and sent those videos. (She's already chasing you.) I thanked her and said, I'm busy and I've got to run, even though I knew she wanted to chat. Yeah, I know that I should have made a date, but my attitude was like, I don't care, or she will call me. (If you've got dates lined up because this happens all the time and you don't need another girl, then you have an abundance mindset. It will make her work harder.) After days started to pass by, I so badly wanted to reach out, but I didn't. I knew that if I reached out, I would blow this opportunity, because she is a beautiful girl and definitely wouldn't tolerate this weak beta male behavior.
Three days passed by, and she reached out and basically asked me out on a date. She asked if I wanted to ride to another city to a music concert with her, and she also said that it was her birthday. (Her attraction level is high, and it's raising quickly because you're different. You're not doing anything, and she's doing all of the chasing and pursuing.) I was direct and decisive, and I made a definite time and place I would pick her up. I didn't start to become her emotional tampon or gay male girlfriend on Facebook. I said I was busy, I've got to run, and I got off of the phone. (The phone is for setting dates. You read the book eight times already, so you've got that concept. You're doing great.) On the day of the date, I picked her up, we went to the concert and we had fun. It was as if we had many dates that evening, because we went to so many different places. I was 90% of the time charming James Bond, and 10% of the time naughty little boy. I playfully teased her, and we had a good time.
At one nightclub, she was sitting on the other side of the table and we started to make eye contact, which lasted 10 minutes. She just silently watched me with laser eyes, and I was a strong James Bond on the other side of the table with even stronger laser eyes. (You're probably sitting like the king of your kingdom.) There was no flinching, and I didn't look away. I think it was her first test. (You passed with flying colors because you read the book eight times.) After 10 minutes, she looked down and sat beside me in a submissive way. I said in her ear, you lost, and she smiled. I looked her lips, she looked mine, and I went for the kiss. (When a woman looks at your lips, that means she's thinking about kissing them.) She showed no resistance at all. We kissed passionately more than 15 minutes, and the club owner said that they were closing the club, so we went to another club and started to kiss there. She literally sucked my tongue out, she made large strawberries into my neck, and after a long kissing time she said, "You look too tired to drive home." I said, "We can rest in my car and drive home tomorrow." She agreed, so we were lying in my car, she was half naked and we kissed. (She basically communicated that she didn't want to leave your side.) She was very submissive, but we didn't have sex because I had no condom with me. (You've got to be prepared dude. She was ready.) After we had basically hugged and kissed all night long, we drove back to our city. I brought her home, and we had a long goodbye kiss passionately, and she left.
Again, the days started to pass by. I wanted to reach out, but I didn't. I just didn't do anything. Eight days passed by, and she reached out. I think she saw that I wasn't one of those 97% weak guys, and I was cool either way. (You had a take it or leave it attitude, totally indifferent.) It was so weird, because she reached out in the middle of the night asking if I was awake. I knew that if I answered instantly, she would know that I wanted her as badly as she wanted me, so I answered in the morning and said, "Hey, it's great to hear from you. (If it's after 7:00 or 8:00 pm at night, you should wait to respond the next day.) I would like to see you. When are you free to get together?" She said, "Whenever you are free." I picked a day, made a definite date, and got off the phone saying I'm busy and I've got to run. We went to a forest during the day. I made a fire, and I was playing my guitar. (That's something right out of a movie. What a great date. It's probably unlike any date she's ever had in her life.) Then it started to rain, so we went into my car. We started to watch a film on my laptop, and then I asked, "Do you still want to watch this boring film?" Then I started to finger her, and again, she showed no resistance at all. Then I took her clothes off, and we had sex for three hours. It was like in the movie Titanic. She even mentioned that and said Titanic was of one her favorite movies. (Women want to be in a love story. You've created a love story.) I was surprised that I lasted so long. I think it's thanks to the technique that you suggested. (I teach a technique in the article and video, "How Men Can Have Multiple Orgasms" on how to stay hard and never worry about performance anxiety again.) She was so wet, even her hair was all wet. That's how I lost my virginity. (Dude, I'm so proud of you. You crushed it.) I didn't tell her that she was my first sexual experience. In the morning, we had another long sex session. Afterwards, we went to eat, and after that I brought her home and we kissed again passionately. The next day, she reached out and I made a definite date for next Monday night. I think something good will happen.
The very important point I want to make for the guys out there is that the whole time, I let her do all of the pursuing and reaching out, and I gave her total freedom to come and go as she pleases, just like your book teaches. (You knocked it out of the park dude.) Every time we were together it was her idea, because I hadn't pursued at all. I just made definite dates and got off the phone.
Thank you Corey. Without you, it would never have happened to me.
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From my heart to yours,
Corey Wayne Author, Speaker, Peak Performance Coach, Entrepreneur
"A man's real value and attractiveness to women is found in his dangerous masculinity, being congruent with his purpose and mission in life and being unapologetic and proud of who he is, no matter what his financial situation may be. A man who is comfortable with himself, bold, decisive, who takes risks without fear or hesitation and who is lit up on the inside for his own reasons, can easily make a woman feel safe and comfortable enough to cause her to willingly and enthusiastically submit to him sexually, so he can have his way with her." ~ Coach Corey Wayne
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Published on June 22, 2015
Corey Wayne is Life and Peak Performance Coach. He helps men and women to achieve their dreams, discover their purpose, improve their relationships, start a business, improve personal health & fitness, maximize time management, become a superstar in sales, set & achieve their most audacious goals, become a leader, be better team builders, break through their deepest fears and limiting beliefs, overcome difficult life challenges, lose weight and regain balance in all areas of their lives, including personal finances and wealth building.
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